Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015

Good Morning! Here are your daily birthday quotations...

Marilyn Manson (1969 - ):
“If you want to find out who your real friends are, sink the ship. The first ones to jump aren't your friends.”

“I never said to be like me, I say be yourself and make a difference.”

George Tenet (1953 - ):
“Here's the teaching point, if you're teaching kids about intelligence and policy: Intelligence does not absolve policymakers of responsibility to ask tough questions, and it doesn't absolve them of having curiosity about the consequences of their actions.”

Michael O’Donoghue (1940 – 1994):
According to writer George Meyer, once, at a theme park, where you could get custom newspaper headlines created, SNL writer O’Donoghue had a paper created that said, “Utilities seek rate hike.” Brilliant.

Umberto Eco (1932 - ):
“Books are not made to be believed, but to be subjected to inquiry. When we consider a book, we mustn't ask ourselves what it says but what it means...”

“I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom.”

“We live for books.”

“What is love? There is nothing in the world, neither man nor Devil nor any thing, that I hold as suspect as love, for it penetrates the soul more than any other thing. Nothing exists that so fills and binds the heart as love does. Therefore, unless you have those weapons that subdue it, the soul plunges through love into an immense abyss.”

“All poets write bad poetry. Bad poets publish them, good poets burn them.”

“To survive, you must tell stories.”

“Entering a novel is like going on a climb in the mountains: you have to learn the rhythm of respiration, acquire the pace; otherwise you stop right away.”

Alvin Ailey (1931 – 1989):
“To be who you are and become what you are capable of is the only goal worth living.”

Friedrich Dürrenmatt (1921 – 1990):
“A story is not finished, until it has taken the worst turn.”


“A writer doesn’t solve problems. He allows them to emerge.”

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