Monday, October 12, 2015

Today's Words of Wisdom - October 12, 2015

Today is the birthday of the following people:

Robert Fitzgerald (1910 - 1985):
"Poetry is at least an elegance and at most a revelation."

Art Clokey (1921 - 2010):
"Clay is embedded in our subconscious. It has been there for at least 50,000 years."

Jane Siberry (1955 - ):
"It won’t rain all the time

The sky won’t fall forever"

Today is also Freethought Day. Here are some quotations to commemorate it:

“Nature is what we know. We do not know about the gods of religions. And nature is not kind, or merciful, or loving. If God made me – the fabled God of the three qualities of which I spoke – mercy, kindness, love – He also made me the fish I catch and eat. And where do His mercy, kindness, love for that fish come in? No; nature made us – nature did it all – not the gods of the religions.” Thomas Edison

“The idea of an ordered and elegant universe is a lovely one. One worth clinging to. But you don’t need religion to appreciate the ordered existence. It’s not just an idea. It’s reality. We’re discovering the hidden orders of the universe every day. The inverse square law of gravitation is amazing. Fractals, the theory of relativity, the genome; these are magnificently beautiful constructs.”Adam Savage

“There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths. Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed.”Bertrand Russell

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