Sunday, August 10, 2014

August 10, 2014

Good Morning! Here are your daily birthday quotations...

Laurence Binyon (1869 – 1943):
“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.”

Herbert Hoover (1874 – 1964):
“They are beginning to realize that words without action are the assassins of idealism. On the other side, they are equally disgusted with seeking for power by destructive criticism, demagoguery, specious promises and sham.”

“Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die. And it is youth who must inherit the tribulation, the sorrow and the triumphs that are the aftermath of war.”

“Being a politician is a poor profession. Being a public servant is a noble one.”

“When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned.”

“About the time we can make the ends meet, somebody moves the ends.”

Jorge Amado (1912 – 2001):
“The world is like that -- incomprehensible and full of surprises.”

“Love is not to be proven or measured...It exists, and that is enough.”

“Life was good, one had only to live it.”

Barry Unsworth (1930 – 2012):
“Nothing a man suffers will prevent him from inflicting suffering on others. Indeed, it will teach him the way.”

“Love does not stand still, as everyone knows; it is always adding to its own shape whether by advance or retreat. Wounds can be absorbed, but only like elements embodied in a story; they are always there, part of the meaning.”

“Wickedness is too common in the world
for us to think much of why and wherefore.
It is more natural to ask about the rarer thing
and wonder why people sometimes do good.”

Mark Doty (1953 - ):

“Love, I think, is a gateway to the world, not an escape from it.”

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