Friday, September 11, 2015

Today's Words of Wisdom - September 11, 2015

Today is the birthday of the following people:

D.H. Lawrence (1885 – 1930):
“Be still when you have nothing to say; when genuine passion moves you, say what you've got to say, and say it hot.”

“Love is never a fulfillment. Life is never a thing of continuous bliss. There is no paradise. Fight and laugh and feel bitter and feel bliss: and fight again. Fight, fight. That is life.” 

“How I hate the attitude of ordinary people to life. How I loathe ordinariness! How from my soul I abhor nice simple people, with their eternal price list. It makes my blood boil.”

O.Henry (1862 – 1910):
“I'll give you the whole secret to short story writing. Here it is. Rule 1: Write stories that please yourself. There is no Rule 2.” 

Jessica Mitford (1917 – 1996):
“A thirteen-year-old is a kaleidoscope of different personalities, if not in most ways a mere figment of her own imagination. At that age, what and who you are depends largely on what book you happen to be reading at the moment.”

“You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty.”

Andre Dubus III (1959 - ):

“Most of the time I feel stupid, insensitive, mediocre, talentless and vulnerable—like I'm about to cry any second—and wrong. I've found that when that happens, it usually means I'm writing pretty well, pretty deeply, pretty rawly.”

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