Monday, February 4, 2008

Re-Tales: The Little Red Book

No, I'm not talking about Mao's manifesto. I was in one of the many retail bookstores I've worked for, and was called up to the front register to approve a return. I arrived to find a middle-aged woman with a leather-bound Bible. At the time, bookstores were still asking why customers were returning their purchases. So, I asked. She stated that the Bible was supposed to have the words of Christ in red print. I picked up the Bible and did, indeed, see that she was right. The binding of the Bible claimed that the words of Christ were supposed to be in red. I opened the Bible to find out if it was misprinted. However, I found that those passages were, in fact, in red. I pointed this out to the customer to show her the proof. Her response? "But he's not even in the whole first half!" Honest to God....

1 comment:

Matt said...

That is priceless.