Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Music: Jason Collett & School of Language

Well, if anyone is reading this who doesn't know me, I am the assistant editor for Treblezine.com, a music magazine on the web. So, as Tuesday is traditionally new release music day, Tuesday will also be the day that I concentrate on music on the Blogsmos. I have to give my love to two new releases this Super Tuesday. One is Jason Collett's Here's To Being Here and the other is School of Language's Sea From Shore. I have written reviews for both and they should appear shortly on www.Treblezine.com. The two albums are vastly different, but both excellent. The former is by a Canadian artist who is also part of the collective group, Broken Social Scene, and the latter is in an English band called Field Music. One is a poetic folk rocker in the style of Dylan, the other is a pop experimentalist. I'll let the reviews do most of the hype for me on this, and I don't want to repeat myself. So, I'll just say that these are highly worthy of picking up at your local record shop. And yes, I still call them records.

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