Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October 1, 2014

Good Morning! Here are your daily birthday quotations...

Jerome Bruner (1915 - ):
“Being able to "go beyond the information" given to "figure things out" is one of the few untarnishable joys of life. One of the great triumphs of learning (and of teaching) is to get things organized in your head in a way that permits you to know more than you "ought" to. And this takes reflection, brooding about what it is that you know. The enemy of reflection is the breakneck pace - the thousand pictures.”

"We carry with us habits of thought and taste fostered in some nearly forgotten classroom by a certain teacher."

Jimmy Carter (1924 - ):
“Go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is.”

“When people are intimidated about having their own opinions, oppression is at hand.”

“Failure is a reality; we all fail at times, and it's painful when we do. But it's better to fail while striving for something wonderful, challenging, adventurous, and uncertain than to say, " I don't want to try because I may not succeed completely.”

Tim O’Brien (1946 - ):
“A thing may happen and be a total lie; another thing may not happen and be truer than the truth.”

“It was very sad, he thought. The things men carried inside. The things men did or felt they had to do. ”

Zach Galifianakis (1969 - ):
"I failed kindergarden because I couldn't spell my last name."

"When I was a kid, I had dyslexia. I would write about it in my 'dairy.' "


"Sometimes I order a beet salad, so when the waiter comes and lays down my salad I can say "thanks for laying down those funky beets". It's an expensive joke because I don't even like beets."

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