Thursday, September 10, 2015

Today's Words of Wisdom - September 10, 2015

Today is the birthday of the following people:

Mary Oliver (1935 - ):
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?”

“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”

H.D. (1886 – 1961):
“Writing. Love is writing.”

Georges Bataille (1897 – 1962):
“We have in fact only two certainties in this world - that we are not everything and that we will die.”

Jared Diamond (1937 - ):
“Science is often misrepresented as "the body of knowledge acquired by performing replicated controlled experiments in the laboratory." Actually, science is something broader: the acquisition of reliable knowledge about the world.”

Stephen Jay Gould (1941 - 2002):
“Life is short, and potential studies infinite. We have a much better chance of accomplishing something significant when we follow our passionate interests and work in areas of deepest personal meaning.”

Andreï Makine (1957 - ):
“The translator of prose is the slave of the author and the translator of poetry is his rival.”


“An exile's only country is his country's literature.”

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