Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12, 2014

Good Morning! Here are your daily quotations...

Elizabeth Cady Stanton (1815 – 1902):
“The moment we begin to fear the opinions of others and hesitate to tell the truth that is in us, and from motives of policy are silent when we should speak, the divine floods of light and life no longer flow into our souls.”

Ryan Gosling (1980 - ):
“The theme for me is love and the lack of it. We all want that and we don't know how to get it, and everything we do is some kind of attempt to capture it for ourselves.”

Kathleen Hanna (1968 - ):
"Because we don't wanna assimilate to someone else's (boy) standards of what is or isn't."

Naomi Wolf (1962 - ):
“A Mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually VACCINATES her daughter against low self-esteem.”

“She wins who calls herself beautiful and challenges the world to change to truly see her.”

Neil Young (1945 - ):
“If you follow every dream, you might get lost.”

“Don't let it bring you down.
It's only castles burning,
find someone who's turning,
and you will come around.” 

Roland Barthes (1915 – 1980):
“Am I in love? --yes, since I am waiting. The other one never waits. Sometimes I want to play the part of the one who doesn't wait; I try to busy myself elsewhere, to arrive late; but I always lose at this game. Whatever I do, I find myself there, with nothing to do, punctual, even ahead of time. The lover's fatal identity is precisely this: I am the one who waits.”

Karl Marx (1897 – 1985):
“The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways: the point, however, is to change it.”

“Question everything.”


“Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through.”

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