Friday, May 16, 2014

May 16, 2014

Good Morning! Here are your birthday quotations...

Studs Terkel (1912 – 2008):
“I always love to quote Albert Einstein because nobody dares contradict him.”

“Work is about a search for daily meaning as well as daily bread, for recognition as well as cash, for astonishment rather than torpor; in short, for a sort of life rather than a Monday through Friday sort of dying.”

“People are hungry for stories. It's part of our very being. Storytelling is a form of history, of immortality too. It goes from one generation to another.”

“How come you don't work fourteen hours a day? Your great-great-grandparents did. How come you only work the eight-hour day? Four guys got hanged fighting for the eight-hour day for you.”

Juan Rulfo (1917 – 1986):
“Nothing can last forever. There isn't any memory, no matter how intense, that doesn't fade out at last.”

Adrienne Rich (1929 – 2012):
“There must be those among whom we can sit down and weep and still be counted as warriors.”

“Responsibility to yourself means refusing to let others do your thinking, talking, and naming for you; it means learning to respect and use your own brains and instincts; hence, grappling with hard work.”

“You must write, and read, as if your life depended on it.”

“Poetry is the liquid voice that can wear through stone.”

Bruce Coville (1950 - ):
“Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the dictatorship.”

“The real heroes are the librarians and teachers who at no small risk to themselves refuse to lie down and play dead for censors.”


“All these guys picking on smart kids and calling them geeks and dweebs are going to grow up and want to know why they don't do something about the terrible state the world is in. I can tell you why. By the time they grow up, most of the kids who really could have changed things are wrecked. ”

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